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Energy Bag /Power Bag (EZ123)
: Unavailable
Regular price $49.99
Sold by 1 pcs
Please email us for the full set inquiry:
Available Weights: 5KG, 10KG, 15KG, 20KG, 25KG and 30KG
5KG - 370*160*160mm
10KG - 480*180*180mm
15KG - 520*200*200mm
20KG - 600*210*210mm
25KG - 630*220*220mm
30KG - 680*230*230mm
* Color Assorted (main color Black)
* Power Bag for Home Gym Workout Traning
* Made from highly durable Polyurethane material with inner padding and an inner sack filled with iron sand
* As with any power bag, the bag changes every time you move it, making the workout challenging and effective
* Enhanced, stronger Velcro tabs
* Indoors and outdoor use
* Maintains its tubular shape
Best combined delivery cost.
- Standard delivered 4-5 Business Days
- Express delivered 2-4 Business Days
Orders are processed and delivered Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)
Enjoy 7 days returns.
Warning: Ask for measurements as these are not “normal” power bag sizes. Unfortunately I didn’t and the cost for me to send back wasn’t worth the effort. Currently being used as a door stop.

Energy Bag /Power Bag (EZ123)
Regular price $49.99