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EVA Textured Foam Roller/ Frim Massge Therapy Roller 310x130mm (EZ180-2)
: In stock
Regular price $49.99
EVA Textured Foam Roller/ Frim Maaage Therapy Roller 310x130mm (EZ180-2)
Material: EVA Rubber
Length: 310mm
Diameter: 130mm
Assorted color
The PTP Massage Therapy Roller is not only a powerful therapy tool that can make a difference in the way your body feels and recovers but can also be aimed at body strength and toning.
Best combined delivery cost.
- Standard delivered 4-5 Business Days
- Express delivered 2-4 Business Days
Orders are processed and delivered Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)
Enjoy 7 days returns.

EVA Textured Foam Roller/ Frim Massge Therapy Roller 310x130mm (EZ180-2)
Regular price $49.99