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Resistance Bands 2 meter (EZ171)
: In stock
Regular price $24.99
Length: 2 Meter
Assorted Color
(EZ171-1) Ultra-Light 8-15lbs
(EZ171-2) Light 15-35lbs
(EZ171-4) Medium 25-65lbs
(EZ171-6) Heavy 35-85lbs
It represents a great aid to perform pull-ups/chin-ups and dips for the first time or to achieve more reps than ever before. Regardless of your fitness level, the resistance band will help you lift your own body weight, making it easier to build upper body strength and sculpt your arms, back, and abs. It is also suitable for standard stretching pre and post-workout or explosive training exercises by simply running against the resistance. Pull-ups/chin-ups and dips made easier and accessible to both men and women.
Lighter levels of assistance (15-25lbs). For individuals that can already do pull-ups/ chin-ups and dips but wish to perform more reps. Medium levels of assistance (25-50lbs). For those who cannot perform many reps or with an Intermediate level of fitness. Heavier assistance level (50-75lbs).
Best combined delivery cost.
- Standard delivered 4-5 Business Days
- Express delivered 2-4 Business Days
Orders are processed and delivered Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)
Enjoy 7 days returns.
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Resistance Bands 2 meter (EZ171)

Resistance Bands 2 meter (EZ171)
Regular price $24.99